Terrastore Scala Client

For a while now, I’ve been an enthusiast following the NoSQL movement and during the process drawn towards Terrastore. Terrastore is based on Terracotta, it’s a modern document store which provides advanced scalability and elasticity features without sacrificing consistency. If you haven’t heard about Terrastore yet, it’s worth checking out.

Sergio Bossa is spearheading the efforts on the project, and he is doing a terrific job at it. I’ve been in touch with Sergio for a bit and in discussions about how I can contribute to the project. Before jumping into the core aspects of the product I wanted to work on a client implementation so that I can play with Terrastore and understanding some of its intricacies. So I started working on a client implementation in Scala, my language of choice these days.

The client implementation is available at Github. There are few areas that I would like to tighten up a bit in the code, but it’s out there for some early feedback.

I’m certainly excited to get started on the Terrastore core, and working with great minds — Sergio and Greg Luck, a good friend and guru back from Ehcache days.

[Direct link to Terrastore-Scala-Client on Github]
